Ukraine flag

In Support of Our Ukrainian Friends and Colleagues

Ukraine flag

Boyle Software Inc. stands with the people of Ukraine. During this terrible time we are determined to do everything we possibly can to help our Ukrainian employees and their families to stay safe.

We have let all of our Ukrainian employees know that their salaries are guaranteed for the coming months. We are also offering bonuses and other forms of assistance to those who are forced to leave their homes for safer ground within Ukraine or outside the country’s borders. We understand that this cannot possibly compensate for the horrors being wrought upon their beautiful country, but we hope that it will help ease their financial concerns during this difficult time.

We have also established support teams throughout other Eastern European countries in order to ensure business continuity and to allow our employees to focus on the safety of themselves and their families.

These are horrific times. It is more important than ever to let our Ukrainian friends know that they are not alone. We stand with Ukraine and hope for a quick end to this war visited upon their land. Glory to a free Ukraine – forever!

“Boyle Software opened our first Ukrainian office in Kyiv in December 2006. Since then we have worked with many intelligent, kind, and hard-working Ukrainians. Some of our US team visited our colleagues in Kyiv over the years and described it as a vibrant city, full of life. To say we are devastated by the Russian attack on Ukraine is an understatement. While we may feel helpless, we are focused on supporting our Ukrainian friends and colleagues in all the ways we can.”

Katie Ford, Head of People

About Uwe Kristen

After graduating in Scottish Literature at University of Glasgow in 1996 Uwe put down his empty glass and left the pub. He took the next airplane to New York City and started coding websites. He still codes. He still reads.